Jan 27, 2011

runner up selection from "ESQUIRE" magazine

ESQUIRE magazine, held a contest to redesign their logo on www.99designs.com - of 627 entries, they picked one winner, and 27 runners up. Here is my design that was selected as 1 of 27 runners up. thanks esquire. To see the rest of the entries check out this link.. http://www.esquire.com/features/crowdsource-logo-0211#fbIndex9

Jan 6, 2011


"If you can create what you can imagine, it's like being able to see into the future."
-Dillon Elliott

contest entry

recent logo design contest entry from http://99designs.com/ im sharpening up my graphic design skills a bit. There are alot of really good artist out there.. im just trying to be one of them!!!