Jun 29, 2010


This image is a play on 3D subject matter creating a 2D picture, with the model being a living breathing sculpture, and a work of art in its self (with the sculpted physique, mohawk, and paint that is applied to his skin) There is a canvas that is angled toward the viewer, but the painting resembles the surface behind meant to intentionally mislead the viewer. This idea came to me after traveling abroad and then upon returning to little city USA, i was depressed to see the sheer lack of culture and artistic expression in the community. This is my image saying, "art is not dead" from little city America to the culture capitol of the world, and every wheres in between, i am proud to be a creative voice of our generation and since we're resurrecting entire disciplinary subjects, there is no limit to what we're capable of, sky is the limit, art is not dead, only question is who's comin with me.